Project Lead the Way

About the Program:
Pre-Engineering by Project Lead the Way Block I
2 semesters – 3 periods – (AM Only)
Grades Eligible – 11, 12
Prerequisites - Students must be enrolled in or have completed a college preparatory sequence of math courses (at least Algebra 1 or Algebra B in Grade 9, Geometry in Grade 10, and Algebra II in Grade 11) and be interested in the field of engineering.
This block will include three Project Lead the Way (PLTW) courses: Intro to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, and Civil Engineering and Architecture. It will be offered during the AM CTC block. PLTW is a sequence of courses that, when combined with traditional mathematics and science courses in high school, introduces students to the scope, rigor, discipline, and fun of engineering projects before entering college.
This block will include:
Intro to Engineering Design – In this course, students use a problem-solving model to improve existing products and invent new ones. They learn how to apply this model to solve problems in and out of the classroom. Using sophisticated three-dimensional modeling software, students communicate the details of the products. Emphasis is placed on analyzing potential solutions and communicating ideas to others.
Principles of Engineering - This introductory course explores a wide variety of careers in engineering and technology and covers various technology systems and manufacturing processes. Using activities, projects, and problems, students learn firsthand how engineers and technicians use math, science, and technology in an engineering problem-solving process to benefit people. The course also addresses concerns about social and political consequences and technological change.
Civil Engineering & Architecture - Students study the design and construction of residential and commercial building projects. It is an introduction to the varied factors involved in building and site design and construction, including building components and systems, structural design, stormwater management, site design, utilities and services, cost estimation, energy efficiency, and careers in the design and construction industry. Students are exposed to the design and construction practices of residential and commercial building projects, design teams and teamwork, communication methods, building codes and ordinances, engineering design calculations, and technical documentation. Students use industry-standard 3D architectural modeling software to facilitate site and building design and technical documentation. As the course progresses and the complexity of the design problems increases, students learn more advanced computer modeling skills as they become more independent in their learning, more professional in their collaboration and communication, and more experienced in problem-solving and design.
Pre-Engineering by Project Lead the Way Block II
2 semesters – 3 periods (PM Only)
Grades Eligible – 12
Prerequisites – completion of Pre-Engineering Block I and instructor approval
Pre-Engineering Block II is offered during the afternoon CTC block. This course will continue to offer students project-based, hands-on experience to teach students the key elements and skills of engineering and technology-based careers by immersing them in rigorous engineering problems.
This block will include:
Engineering Design and Development - Teams of students, guided by community mentors, work together to research, design, and construct solutions to engineering problems.
Lab Time - Students will use this time to work on Engineering Design and Development projects.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing – Students learn concepts of robotics and automated manufacturing by creating three-dimensional designs using computer modeling software. After designs are electronically created, students produce models of their designs through the use of CNC equipment and robotics.
*Students enrolled in any of the Pre-Engineering courses may be eligible to receive dual college credit at numerous universities across the nation, including Missouri S & T.
How to Apply:
High School Students:
Contact your school's guidance counselor.
Prerequisites may apply.
For more information, call 573.334.0826 and speak to our counselor.
Check out our program video!