About Us

The Cape Girardeau Career & Technology Center will provide an environment for students to make career connections through education and training.
The Cape Girardeau Career & Technology Center will provide high-quality educational programs, resources, and practical experiences to meet the evolving needs of secondary students, post-secondary students, and area industry. Our Center will contribute to the region's continued economic development.
Design real-world experiences to allow students to achieve their highest potential.
Enable students to achieve 21st-century skills through hands-on learning.
Stimulate the development of leadership qualities and team-building.
Foster the development of problem-solving and continuous learning.
Encourage work standards of the highest ethics and integrity.
Develop and utilize appropriate occupational safety practices.
Provide direction for further education and employment.
Click Here for the CTC Policy & Procedure Manual.
The Cape Girardeau Public School System is committed to the concept of equal opportunity for all individuals, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap as defined by section 504, P.L. 93-112, in its employment procedures and its operation of educational programs and activities. Title IX requires the Cape Girardeau Public School System of the Educational Amendments, Public Law 93-318 not to discriminate based on sex in above mentioned areas.
Persons who feel they have been discriminated against in violation of this policy may appeal to the Compliance Official responsible at:
301 N. Clark Ave., Cape Girardeau, MO 63701.
Telephone: 573.335.1867.
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990:
If you have special needs as addressed by ADA, please discuss this with your instructor at enrollment. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your special needs.
Use of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs:
The use of alcohol, tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, or other harmful drugs is prohibited in school buildings, on school premises, or while riding a school bus. Any student caught smoking, or using electronic cigarettes and a vaporizer will be subject to dismissal from CTC. Any student suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or other harmful drugs may be required to produce a negative drug screening before returning to their CTC program. Suspicion of such will also lead to a referral to the School Resource Officer for further investigation. Students found to have ANY drug or drug paraphernalia or under the influence will be immediately dismissed from the CTC
Inclement Weather: In the event of inclement weather, please watch KFVS and/or listen to the local radio stations regarding delays of classes or closing. A separate announcement will be made for classes at the Cape College Center (CCC).
Annual Security Report:
Contact Us:
Cape Girardeau Career & Technology Center
1080 South Silver Springs Rd. Cape Girardeau, MO 63703
Phone: 573.334.0826
Fax: 573.334.5930
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Jonathan "Brock" Crowley
Email: crowleyj@capetigers.com
Phone: 573.334.0826 x6556
Adult Education Supervisor:
Darin Case
Email: cased@capetigers.com
Phone: 573.334.0826 x6558
Assistant Director, Post-Secondary:
Emily Lanpher
Email: lanphere@capetigers.com
Phone: 573.334.0826 x6551
Assistant Director, Secondary
Tyler Abernathy
Email: abernathyt@capetigers.com
Phone: 573.334.0826 x6550
Workforce Development Coordinator:
Kathleen Clayton
Email: claytonk@capetigers.com
Phone: 573.334.0826 x6513
Guidance Counselor:
Joelle Powell
Email: powellj@capetigers.com
Phone: 573.334.0826 x6503
Precision Machining
Cape Girardeau Career & Technology Center
Otto & Della Seabaugh Polytechnic Building
985 Greek Drive Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Phone: 573.651.2000